From daTeechur's Desk: The Birthday Edition

Plus...the audiobook is here!

Happy Friday, friends!

One time for the birthday girl!!! Ayyyyyyye 🎉🎉🎉 Sunday marks another trip around the sun for me. In this edition, I take you back to 1991, then to 2018, with a 2023 update!

Tuesday, September 10, 1991

Today I turned 10.

This diary is a birthday present. I also got a desk, a card, a video game, $30, a book, a necklace, and a piggy bank. I feal (sic) great to be 10. I can’t wait until Kwanza.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Today, I turned 37. This life is a birthday present. I also got to spend time with my loved ones (family and friends) and got shoutouts from my buddies both near and far. I feel great to be 37 (except I overdid it a little at the gym this morning, but even that feels good because I earned it.) I can’t wait until I see my work fam in a few.

Friday, September 8, 2023

In two days, I turn…well, you do the math. My daughter, who refers to herself as “Deux Dents” (‘two teeth’ in French), is the gift that keeps on giving. Watching her grow up is everything!

This weekend, I plan on hanging with some of my friends at our first collective birthday party since COVID-19 hit back in March 2020. In addition, I get to hang with my amazing family. It’s going to be an amazing day.

I am grateful and honored by all of the blessings around me, and thank you for being a valued member of my PLF (Personal Learning Family)!

Podcasting…the Audiobook!

Soooooo…I learned how to do audiobooks backwards (first, coached someone on how to do theirs, and now have finally done my own), and I’m happy to report that Sarahdateechur’s Guide to…Podcasting is now available on Audible!

Do you want to create a community based on your passions and interests? Sarahdateechur's Guide to Podcasting will help you use podcasting to connect with like-minded people and spark meaningful conversations. This comprehensive guide will teach you everything you need to know to start and run a successful podcast, including how to identify your niche, choose the right equipment, and create a content strategy that resonates with your audience. You'll also learn how to use your personal learning network (PLN) to grow your listenership and create a thriving community around your podcast. Whether you're an experienced podcaster or just starting out, this book will help you realize the full potential of your passion and connect with others who share it. Join now and begin constructing your community one episode at a time.

Alright folks, that does it for me. Thanks so much for reading!

Have a video to share or interested in being a guest blogger? Email me at [email protected].

Stay connected, stay curious, and let the sharing begin!



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