From daTeechur's Desk: The AMLE Edition

Happy Friday, friends!

I hope this message finds you well. This week, I am living it up at AMLE in Booth 237. I’m meeting so many people and having a blast. Here’s a couple of photos.

Photo credit: Mandy Froehlich

In the booth, I spoke with a few people about my journey. NGL, I did it extremely awkwardly because I don’t like talking about myself. If I remember, I will try to make up for it by posting a video some time this week, and will spill all the tea (well, maybe not all of it lol 😆) .

I’ll see you next Friday for your regularly scheduled newsletter.

Alright folks, that does it for me. Thanks so much for reading!

Have a video to share or interested in being a guest blogger? Email me at [email protected].

Stay connected, stay curious, and let the sharing begin!



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